

  1. Senevirathne G, Baumgart S, Shubin N, Hanken J, Shubin NH. Ontogeny of the anuran urostyle: the developmental context of evolutionary novelty. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), January 2020. (Commentary on this article:

  2. Senevirathne G, Shubin NH. Molecular Basis of Urostyle Development: Genes and Gene Regulation Underlying an Evolutionary Novelty. bioRxiv. 2021 Oct 5:2021-10. (Submitted to Proceedings of the Royal Society B 2023.)

  3. Senevirathne G, Thomas A, Kerney R, Hanken J, Biju SD, Meegaskumbura M. From clinging to digging: the postembryonic skeletal ontogeny of the Indian Purple frog, Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis (Anura: Nasikabatrachidae). 2016. PLoS One. 11(3): e0151114.

    1. Jagoda E, Marnetto D, Senevirathne G, Gonzalez V, Baid K, Montinaro F, Richard D, Falzarano D, LeBlanc EV, Colpitts CC, Banerjee A. Regulatory dissection of the severe COVID-19 risk locus introgressed by Neanderthals. Elife. 2023 Feb 10;12:e71235.
  4. Senevirathne G, Shubin NH. Molecular Basis of Urostyle Development: Genes and Gene Regulation Underlying an Evolutionary Novelty. bioRxiv. 2021 Oct 5:2021-10. (Submitted to Proceedings of the Royal Society B 2023.)

  5. Mao TR, Liu YW, Meegaskumbura M, Yang J, Ellepola G, Senevirathne G, Fu CH, Gross JB, Pie MR. Evolution in Sinocyclocheilus cavefish is marked by rate shifts, reversals, and origin of novel traits. BMC Ecology and Evolution. 2021 Dec; 21:1-4.

  6. Ellepola G, Herath J, Manamendra-Arachchi K, Wijayathilaka N, Senevirathne G, Pethiyagoda R, Meegaskumbura M. Molecular species delimitation of shrub frogs of the genus Pseudophilautus (Anura, Rhacophoridae). PLoS One. 2021 Oct 19;16(10):e0258594.

  7. Senevirathne G, Baumgart S, Shubin N, Hanken J, Shubin NH. Ontogeny of the anuran urostyle: the developmental context of evolutionary novelty. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), January 2020. (Commentary on this article:

  8. Verissimo KM, Perez NZ, Dragalzew AC, Senevirathne G, Darnet S, Mendes WRB, Neves CAS, Santos EMD, Moraes CMN, Shubin NH, Froebisch NB, Sousa JF, Schneider I. The West African lungfish provides insights into the evolution of tetrapod tail regeneration. Proceedings of Royal Society (Biological Sciences).

  9. Turner N, Mikalauskaite D, Barone K, Flaherty K, Senevirathne G, Adachi N, Shubin NH, Nakamura T. The evolutionary origins and diversity of the neuromuscular system of paired appendages in batoids. 2019. Proceedings of Royal Society (Biological Sciences). https://

  10. Meegaskumbura M*, Senevirathne G*, Pethiyagoda R, Manamendra-Arachchi K, Hanken J, Schneider CJ. Diversification of shrub frogs (Rhacophoridae, Pseudophilautus) in Sri Lanka - timing and geographic context. 2018. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. https:// (* indicates equal contributions)

  11. Senevirathne G, Samarawickrama VAMPK, Wijayathilaka N, Manamendra-Arachchi K, Bowatte G, Samarawickrama DRNS, Meegaskumbura M. A new species of Lankanectes from the montane cloud forests of Sri Lanka (Nyctibatrachidae, Lankanectes). 2018. Zootaxa. 4461 (4), 519–538

  12. Wijayathilaka N, Senevirathne G, Bandara C, Rajapakse S, Pethiyagoda R, Meegaskumbura M. Integrating bioacoustics, DNA barcoding and niche modeling for frog conservation – the threatened balloon frogs of Sri Lanka. 2018. Global Ecology and Conservation.

  13. Garg S, Suyesh R, Das A, Jian J, Wijayathilaka N, Amarasinghe AAT, Alhadi F, Vineeth K, Aravind NA, Senevirathne G, Meegaskumbura M, Biju, SD. Systematic revision of Microhyla (Microhylidae) frogs of South Asia: a molecular, morphological, and acoustic assessment.

  14. Vertebrate Zoology.

  15. Garg S, Senevirathne G, Wijayathilaka N, Phuge S, Deuti K, Manamendra-Arachchi K, Meegaskumbura, M & Biju, S. D. 2018 An integrative taxonomic review of the South Asian microhylid genus Uperodon. 2018. Zootaxa Monograph, 4384(1): 1–88.

  16. Senevirathne G, Kerney R, Meegaskumbura M. Comparative postembryonic skeletal ontogeny in two sister lineages of Old World tree frogs (Rhacophoridae: Taruga, Polypedates)

  17. PLoS One. 12(1): e0167939.

  18. Senevirathne G, Thomas A, Kerney R, Hanken J, Biju SD, Meegaskumbura M. From clinging to digging: the postembryonic skeletal ontogeny of the Indian Purple frog, Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis (Anura: Nasikabatrachidae). 2016. PLoS One. 11(3): e0151114.

  19. Senevirathne G, Garg S, Kerney R, Meegaskumbura M, Biju SD. Unearthing the fossorial tadpoles of the Indian dancing frog family Micrixalidae. 2016. PLoS One. 11(3): e0151781.

  20. Garg, S, Mahony S, Wijayathilaka N, Senevirathne G, Meegaskumbura Ranidae barcoding, phylogeny and systematics of Golden-backed frogs (Hylarana, Ranidaeae hole breeding frogs (Rhacophoridae) with oophagous tadpoles from NortheastZootaxa 2016. PLoS One. 11(1): e0145727.

  21. Ranidaeathilaka N, Garg S, Senevirathne G, Karunarathne N, Biju SD & Meegaskumbura M. A new species of Microhyla (Anura: Microhylidae) from Sri Lanka using an integrative taxonomic approach. 2016. Zootaxa. 4066 (3): 331–342.

  22. Senevirathne G, Meegaskumbura M. Life among crevices: osteology of Nannophrys marmorata. 2015. Zootaxa. 4032 (2): 241–245.

  23. Meegaskumbura M, Senevirathne G, Biju, SD, Garg S, Meegaskumbura S, Pethiyagoda R, Hanken J, Schneider C. Patterns of reproductive mode evolution in Old World tree frogs (Anura, Rhacophoridae). 2015. Zoologica Scripta. 44(5): 509–522.

  24. Meegaskumbura M, Senevirathne G, Wijayathilaka N, Jayawardane B, Bandara C, Manamendra-Arachchi K, Pethiyagoda R. The Sri Lankan torrent toads (Bufonidae: Adenominae: Adenomus): species boundaries assessed using multiple criteria. 2015. Zootaxa. 3911: 245–261.

  25. Biju SD, Garg, S, Mahony S, Wijayathilaka N, Senevirathne G, Meegaskumbura M. DNA barcoding, phylogeny and systematics of Golden-backed frogs (Hylarana, Ranidae) of the Western Ghats-Sri Lanka biodiversity hotspot, with the description of seven new species.

  26. Contributions to Zoology. 83: 269–335.

  27. Bowatte G, Perera P, Senevirathne G, Meegaskumbura S, Meegaskumbura M. Tadpoles as Dengue mosquito (Aedes aegypti) egg predators. 2013. Biological Control. 67: 469–474.